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Image by Joshua Hoehne

get booking

Want to book an individual appointment with me?

Please use the links below to book a 30- 60- or 90- minute appointment.


I will have intermittent availability throughout August 2024 (and will be away for the first two weeks of August.  My diary will show my up-to-date availability.

Image by Johannes W

30-minute appointment

30-minute appointments are ideal if you are looking for a quick check-in or a short review of ongoing work.

Click on the image.  This will take you to my online booking system, where you will be able to book a 30 minute appointment with me.

Once booked, the login details will be sent to you prior to the appointment.


60-minute appointment

60-minute appointments are the typical length appointments for coaching sessions where the work is ongoing.

Click on the image.  This will take you to my online booking system, where you will be able to book a 60 minute appointment with me.

Once booked, the login details will be sent to you prior to the appointment.


90-minute appointment

90-minute appointments are typically useful when starting out and there is a lot to cover, or to focus in depth.

Click on the image.  This will take you to my online booking system, where you will be able to book a 90 minute appointment with me.

Once booked, the login details will be sent to you prior to the appointment.

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